There will be a time where for some reason your membership to wizard101 is gone and most typically don't renew member because they are exalted and they have nothing else to do. Does anyone get this when they have no membership?
That's when you know you have no membership. Here is my top 5 things that non members can do while in wizards.
5. PvP
I placed PvP higher on the list simply because people complain how its broken. I can understand that for the higher levels. However for lower levels (49 and below) its much more simplified since in most cases, you don't have to worry about the additional critical and critical block system unless your enemy has an all critical pet equipped then in which I would say welp.
4.Housing Games/Wizard Tours
I placed this lower than PvP because the amount of creativity that the creator placed in for PvP events such as Frostcaller's arena. It also brings in the community without resorting to "Violence". I use the term Violence in quotations since there is no such thing as that in wizard. For Wizard Tours, it can display the amount of creativity an individual has or has the amount of craziness within their houses.
3.Housing Dungeons(Winterbane & Pagoda)
This would had been #1 if it had not been for the following restricted housing dungeons: Spiral Cup, Grand Arena. Anyways aside from that, these housing dungeons can drop crowns gear which can provide an huge advantage of farming instead of using a hoard pack especially those without membership. You can also gain mega snacks which again is an advantage of having no member since its easy to farm for these snacks though it be rank 8.
2.One Shot Dungeons(Excluding Tanglewood Terror & Baddle of the Bands)
If you think about it, you can get exalted gear without even purchasing darkmoor or getting a membership. You can also get these one shot dungeons from the FIRST boss in the game which is rattlebones. Rattlebones is located in a NON-Membership area which is how everyone can have access towards these one shots assuming you loving farming for them of course. The reason I didn't include Tanglewood & Baddle is because it isn't droppable anywhere and the only way to get it is to pay with crowns.
1.Community Hosted Events
The reason I think this is number one is because it gives people opportunity to interact with other wizards they haven't met before or it gives them a chance to be included in crowns/membership giveaway. It also allows us as Community Managers to interact more with the entire wizard101 group and speak/play with them. If it wasn't for the likes of the Friendly Necromancer, Frostcaller, and Edward lifegem, then it wouldn't be a fun and interactive community now would it?